It is a myth that Devon Rex is hypoallergenic. The reason for its occurrence was the wool is short and soft and practically devoid of outer hair. Science has proven that there are no hypoallergenic cats. The allergen - glycoprotein Fe / D1 is contained in the body of absolutely any cat. This protein is present in greater or lesser concentration in the saliva of animals, their urine, feces, skin and mucous secretions. Indeed, Devon Rex releases a smaller amount and concentration of allergen into the environment. In about half of the owners, allergies do not appear immediately, but within a month. To avoid a tragedy, before taking a kitten into your home, you should go to the clinic and conduct the appropriate research. It consists of a blood test to detect allergy-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) as well as a skin test, both of which are necessary before we can say with certainty that you are allergic to a cat.